plural (r)esistances - brazil
Plural (R)esistances offers artistic workshops to enhance the expression of excluded minorities in artistic production and to promote resistance to the barriers and social exclusion to which these groups are submitted.
Silence / Noise workshop: an introduction to asemic writing
Asemic Writing - Renata Matteoni
This workshop will introduce asemic writing in a laboratory experience workshop created by the transdisciplinary artist Lia Petrelli, who has studied the artistic language since 2015. During the experiments the participants are invited to understand and look at writing as a new form of interaction and communication, discovering new paths of possibilities. The expansion of reading and writing starts with the change of attention put into creative exercises, bringing the whole body to new types of observation: the writing is also drawing and drawing becomes writing.
Asemic Writing - Nathália Bezerra
Asemic writing is a deconstruction, the signs, symbols and objects begin to be looked at through new points of view and in this way communication can expand in and out itself, creating a cartography of senses. The participants are invited to be more creative and reach new types of writings starting from the body, the words disappearing and so creating the abstract form of unconsciousness. Emotions can be used as a driving point to abstraction and the internal sensation is able to be free on the blank page.
Fanzine production workshop
Americanazine is a group focused on arts and independent publications. Our aim is to encourage handmade productions based on the results obtained in the first part of the project - the Silence/Noise workshop. Participants will get to know about the fanzine in history and how important it is nowadays as an art and communication vehicle guided by “do it yourself” philosophy.