2050: El fin que no fue (2050: The end that was not) - Pablo Montañ0, mexico
It's 2050, humanity managed to avoid the worst consequences of climate change and kept global temperature under a 1.5°C increase. This podcast covers what was happening in the pre-COVID society, through interviews with activists and academics that experienced the years prior to the great economic collapse. Each episode covers a major subject: water, fossil fuels, transportation, etc, in an attempt to understand the ideas behind erratic human behaviour at the time. The objective is to contrast fatalistic views people had of 2050, climate apocalypse in full force, with the scenario where humanity managed to react and change the political, economic, and social arrangements that were driving it to its doom. Writer Francisco Piñón, helps listeners visualize how life looks to this new society through an opening short story, as Violeta, journalist, and Pablo, climate activist, ask the questions. This podcast is produced by Esto No Es Radio.
The podcast and its story are a collaborative construction of visions and projections from artists, activists, and experts. In a time of despair, fear, and hopelessness, it is important to share not only stories of people who overcame major challenges, but the stories of the major challenges that we will manage to overcome.